September 2006
It was early in the evening of December, 1947 that WARTS Net founder Riley, W7CKT called the fledgling group together with something like this.
CQ CQ CQ this is W7CKT calling the Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System. This net meets every day except Sunday for the purpose of handling traffic and any station is invited to check in.
During the next several weeks small changes began to evolve and soon the Preamble read:
QST QST QST this is ____ calling the Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System. This net meets three times each day for the purpose of handling traffic and any station, phone or CW is invited to check in.
This preamble met the definition of a preamble, an introductory statement giving the purpose and mission of the organization, instructions to members and procedure to join. Net member and visitor instructions were added to The preamble and by 1968 this version:
QST QST QST this is _____calling the Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System. This net is affiliated with the National Traffic System and handles qualified amateur traffic daily at 1800 hours Pacific time on 3970 kilocycles. All stations are invited to check in. This is a directed traffic Net. Emergency breaks only will be recognized during roll call. No relays unless asked for by the Net Control. Net Control is now standing by for mobiles and emergency-powered stations with traffic only.
In the year of 1973 the Board of Directors approved an amendment to the preamble which was approved by majority vote of the Net membership. However, changes continued and by year 2004 this version.
QST QST QST This is Net Control Station ____calling the Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System. This Net meets every day at 6 PM on 3970.
All stations are invited to check in. Visitors please stand by until late or missed, unless your city is listed on the roll call. This is a directed trffic net. Please do not break or relay unless the net control asks for a relay. Use only your call sign when you call the net control. When handling traffic on this net it is not necessary to recheck unless you are unable to handle the traffic. At this time please make sure that your transceiver is in the push-to-talk position. Don’t listen to the Net in the VOX position.
And finally the August 2006 version
QST QST QST This is net control station ____My name is ____located in ____calling the Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System. This net meets daily at ___PM local time on 3970 kHz. Is there any emergency traffic?